Ten Favorite Star Wars Moments

May 4th is one of my absolute favorite days of the year. Not because it’s Cinco de Mayo Eve, but rather because it’s the one day of the year that everyone expresses their love for one of (if not the) biggest franchises in pop culture. I of course am talking about Star Wars.

Whether you’ve seen it or not, you’ve heard of Star Wars. It’s literally inescapable, it’s a sci-fi epic that has taken over the world since 1977. Star Wars has literally always been a large part of my life, and I’ll never forget whenever the love all started for me.

Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope was re-released with better special effects in 1997. I was only 5 years old at the time, but I remember my family going to the very crowded theater. The bright emerald “Lucasfilms” logo caught my eye and then there it was…

Now, at the time, 5 year old me was barely able to read so I was riding the struggle bus trying to understand what the moving yellow words were saying but eventually the movie began and little me got the gist of it: There was this badass guy in black armor with magical powers with an army of troops that kidnapped a princess and was going to basically destroy everything. From that point onward I fell in love with everything. After that day, characters like Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, and Han Solo became icons to me. my older brother and I would play with our toy lightsabers all the time (we had all the colors), we had the Star Wars videogames, bed sheets, the Star Wars everything. I immediately wanted more Star Wars after seeing “A New Hope,” and luckily my dad had Episode V and Episode VI on VHS. Moments from those films became childhood memories. Darth Vader being Luke’s father blew my mind, I cheered when the Death Star exploded (both times), and I just fell in love with every aspect of everything. George Lucas just created a beautiful, fascinating world that appealed to children and adults alike.

To celebrate May 4th, I thought I would compose my Top Ten favorite moments from the film series. These are moments that have always stuck most with me throughout life and are always what I go back to whenever I think about why I love the series so much. And yes, there are going to be moments from Episodes I through III in this list. Not all of it was bad! But first, an honorable mention.

Honorable Mention: “Chewie, we’re home.” – The Force Awakens 

The moment that made older Star Wars fans everywhere cry. After “Revenge of the Sith” everyone thought the film series was finished. Then, Episode VII was announced and fans everywhere were skeptical. Then, JJ Abrams did what he does best; he released an INCREDIBLE trailer. The moment that made everyone lose their minds was when Han Solo and Chewie steps aboard the Millennium Falcon and Han in disbelief says, “Chewie, we’re home.” They weren’t the only ones home. Fans were coming back home to their beloved film series 10 years after they thought the story was over. It wasn’t over though, the story was awakening once again. I admittedly got choked up whenever I saw this for the first time. http://youtu.be/Aa2SEz-4bQA

10. Yoda’s First Lightsaber Duel – Attack of the Clones

There is no denying that “Attack of the Clones” is the weakest film in the series (anyone that wants to argue that can send me a message). That being said, there was one saving grace that saved the movie from being an absolute flop for me, and anyone that has seen the film could guess what it was. The Original Trilogy established that Yoda was one badass old man er I mean, “a badass old man, he was.” We saw him use the Force (more on that later) but we never got to see him in combat. That is, until “Attack of the Clones” was released. I’ll never forget the simultaneous gasps that came from everyone in the theater whenever Count Dooku said, “It is obvious that this contest cannot be decided by our knowledge of the Force… but by our skills with a lightsaber.” Yoda was literally all over the place and although he didn’t kill Dooku, it was clear that he kicked his padawan’s ass, and it was glorious. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLV-Vpy1gqQ

9. Anakin vs. Obi-Wan Kenobi – Revenge of the Sith

Alright I’ve gotten Attack of the Clones out of the way, now we can move on to the better material. Well, somewhat better material. Revenge of the Sith was full of amazing action, but the dialogue seemed to be written by a 3rd grader. That being said, Revenge of the Sith still has one of the best lightsaber battles in the entire series. The Original Trilogy hinted at this encounter, but the entire prequel trilogy was leading up to the battle between Obi-Wan Kenobi and his former padawan turned sith lord Anakin Skywalker. The setting couldn’t be more epic; the lava planet Mustafar just screamed “epic final battle” and the choreography of the fight is simply superb. What really drives this battle scene is the acting from Ewan McGregor, and what prevents the scene from being higher on my list is the poop acting from Hayden Christiensen. Obi-Wan’s speech at the end when he calls Anakin his brother is heartbreaking though, and I will admit I chuckled when Anakin burst into flames. Part 1:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOhZ5wD6u7A Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOhZ5wD6u7A Part Where Obi-Wan Breaks Your Heart: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_YozYt8l-g

8. Yoda Lifts the X-Wing – The Empire Strikes Back

At this point in the film, Yoda told Luke that he was the master of the Force Obi-Wan sent him to, and training had begun. Luke, and the audience, isn’t completely sold on Yoda’s abilities until this moment. I remember this being the moment I was osessed with Yoda. I just wanted to know everything about him. The Force hadn’t been used in such an extreme way yet in the series. It had been used for mind manipulation, speaking to the deceased, and pushing smaller things, but never had something like an entire X-Wing been lifted. It firmly established to the entire fanbase that Yoda was the real deal and that you should never judge someone by their size. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3jI3RrMsVI

7. Rey uses the Force – The Force Awakens

I. Loved. This. Movie. Honestly I could splooge about it forever, but I’m controlling myself. This was my absolute favorite moment in the most recent chapter in the Star Wars story. The previews and opening of the movie did a good job of making you think Finn was going to be the one learning the Force, but the more the story developed you knew that Rey was the true chosen one to use the Force against the First Order. At this point of the film, everyone was livid about Kylo Ren killing Han Solo, and we wanted nothing more than to see that punk get put in his place. Finn tries his damnedest, but sadly is overwhelmed. Then, just when you think all is lost, Rey finally overcomes her fear and accepts her destiny to use the Force and fight the Dark Side. I freaked out in the best way when Rey stole the lightsaber from Kylo Ren. The film made you fall in love with all the characters, but Rey stole my heart, so seeing her kick Kylo Ren’s ass was so fulfilling. The entire cast performs so well throughout it really makes the film. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TV6sjwqCQ2M

6. Battle of Hoth – The Empire Strikes Back

One of my favorite openings in any film ever. It was just the perfect statement for the sequel. It let you know this movie was going to be bigger and better than A New Hope. Episode V introduced the Imperial Walkers aka AT-AT’s to the series and they never made an appearance after that in the films (until Rogue One comes out). Seeing Luke back in the pilot seat but this time as the team leader was so cool too, our little Luke had grown up! It also set a darker tone for the film, mostly because a good part of the fight is just the rebels getting decimated. That being said, you knew you were in for an epic sequel once this battle finished, and The Empire Strikes Back ended up being one of the most epic sequels of all time, and is my absolute favorite in the series. Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BkOVSFb2Zw Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FQNIoVLSdw Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0eP4YqTpdE

5. Qui-Gonn Jinn & Obi-Wan vs. Darth Maul – The Phantom Menace

Now before you all Force Choke me or slice off all my limbs, hear me out. I think we can all agree that Darth Maul was an insanely cool villain. He basically said 10 words the entire movie, but he was terrifying. Not only in appearance, but also in power. When he first faced off against Qui-Gon, he left a message that he was not to be taken lightly. Then, in the end, it seemed like Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon were going to have an easy go of things. That is until Darth Maul unveiled his dual bladed lightsaber. Remember how badass that was!? We never saw anything like that before, and of course we all wanted one after we saw his. The fight is well choreographed, John Williams’ “Duel of the Fates” brings it over the top, and I always remembered this fight mostly for Qui-Gon’s death. He was the first Jedi you saw just flat out die. He didn’t disappear like Yoda and Obi-Wan did. Nope he just keeled over with a new hole in his chest. RIP Qui-Gon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHqdESArkqU

4. Luke Destroys the Death Star – A New Hope

At this point of the list, we’re getting to the obvious stuff so I apologize for not being so original. Nevertheless, this is the moment that people that haven’t even seen the films seem to know. This is the moment where Luke became a real hero and took his first big step to become a Jedi. He was the true underdog amongst veteran pilots and he managed to come out on top! The entire scene in the trench was intense. Watching Luke’s fellow pilots get gunned down, only then to have Han come back and save his friend was an incredible feeling. It was the first encounter that Darth Vader had with Luke Skywalker too and was the start of their overly complicated relationship. Also, WHY DID CHEWIE NOT GET A DAMN MEDAL AT THE END!? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQFrl5rpXMg

3. “I love you.” “I know.” – The Empire Strikes Back

What makes this scene particularly incredible for me is the fact that Harrison Ford totally improv’d “I know.” Little did Ford know that he was improv-ing one of the most quoted lines in the entire franchise. Relationship goals: find a girl that’ll relive this moment with me… minus me being frozen in carbonite. This was a sad moment though, I remember being really surprised that something like this happened. I was around 7 when I watched this film and at the time, usually nothing bad ever happened to the good guys so little kid me was like, “Whoa whoa whoa they can’t take Han WTF.” Mostly though I loved this moment for Harrison Ford’s line. That, the nice touch of the C3PO humor, and the combination of John Williams’s score made it a perfect moment in a perfect movie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-AmHZ17gWM

2. “I am a Jedi, like my father before me.” – The Return of the Jedi

You didn’t think I’d leave out Episode VI did you!? I’d never leave out such an incredible conclusion to the trilogy. Obviously the highlight of the film is whenever Luke has his final confrontation with Palpatine. “Wait, don’t you mean Darth Vader?” you say. Nope, the moment that always stuck with me in the end was whenever Luke defied Darth Sidious at the end. After Luke beat his father, Darth Sidious was so confident that his plan had come to fruition. He thought Luke had finally given in to his anger and joined the Empire. Luke though, stands tall, throws his lightsaber away and says “You failed your highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me. That moment always hits hard. Luke had temptation dangling right in front of him and he throws it right back in the Emperor’s face. The look on the Emperor’s face is absolutely priceless. Sure, Luke got the shit zapped out of him afterwards, but I think he got his message across. The line: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSGgODCqpFQ The Fight (which skips the line for some dumb reason): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZ_j3s5xj8I

1. Father vs. Son – The Empire Strikes Back

“The Force is with you young Skywalker, but you are not a Jedi yet.” OK, I know I wrote earlier that people that haven’t seen the films all know Luke blows up the Death Star, but THIS is the moment that EVERYONE even if they live under a rock know about. It’s the plot twist that shook the movie world to its core. People lost their minds over this. My little child brain couldn’t process it! Besides the massive plot twist, the fight between the two is the best in the series simply because of the meaning behind it. It’s a David vs. Goliath battle. Young Luke, who just learned this new power, thinks he suddenly has what it takes to face one of the most feared people in the galaxy. The look of fear on Luke’s face is one that fans will remember always. The realization that he made a very poor decision when he left Dagobah. The moment when Luke first activates his lightsaber and Darth Vader unleashes his is my favorite shot in the whole series. It’s beautifully ominous. Darth Vader simply plays with him the first half of the fight and you know it’s only going to go downhill for poor Luke. Also, it was the first time a movie for me had a bad ending. The good guys don’t win in the end, things never look more grim than whenever Luke barely gets away with his life in the end. The Empire struck back, and they struck back hard. The Empire Strikes Back is one of my all time favorite movies and it’s chiefly because of this scene. It’s one of my all time favorites and I think it defines what makes Star Wars the cultural phenomenon that it is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-DeI3ohVbY


I will always love Star Wars. I can’t wait to have kids some day and watch them experience it all for the first time. It’s something I’ll never forget and something I can’t wait to share to the future generations. I truly don’t think Star Wars will ever die. It’s too much a part of our everyday lives. Star Wars is just too important to too many people. I hope everyone had an excellent Star Wars Day and May the Force be with you all!








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